Heels and Hills........what's it all about?

Sandals, kitten heels, pumps, stilettos, wedges, platforms, mules, Mary-Janes, boots...........I am a lover and consumer of all things shoes. However I have had to make way in my collection for runners in my quest for endurance running......this is my story.

Monday 27 February 2012

Doing a dump

Wretched migraine that wiped out my entire weekend.......woke with it on Saturday and my magic migraine pills that normally make them disappear quickly had little impact and I spent the weekend shrouded in darkness and quiet..........................and Monday is Migraine hangover day..................joy! I was supposed to run in a Sri Chinmoy event (15kms) yesterday.................all part of the marathon preparation...........................am feeling pretty flat about not running that, as well as feeling like I am letting my IronMan team down...........................I know I need to put some stress management in place because feeling like a tight rubberband is not living at all...............................Cue Coach Tippett pep talk...........................he talked me through how I was feeling and gave me some strategies to help change the way stress affects me.............................one of them is dumping (or maybe it was bumping but I going to stick with dumping).....................and not in that way! It's about having a visual (and for me it is a tennis racquet) and as the things that stress me come up (which is far too much too often), allow myself to see me dumping it behind me with a hit of my tennis racquet.............he said that initially I may need to move my body to do the action but over time I will be able to 'see' myself doing it and it will be just as effective............so if you see me throwing myself around with an air racquet and grunting, grab a front row seat and feel free to cheer me on!

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