This morning's run was through the streets from a time long ago, past roads and streets that I used to walk and play in, to the primary school that I went to for Grade 6 and 7 and from the house that dad still lives in. Hot and humid and with the sun popping from behind the clouds intermittently the interval session was sweaty and hilly.
Well I have been in Queensland now for almost 24 hrs which means that my shoe challenge needs to be on!
Heels and Hills........what's it all about?
Sandals, kitten heels, pumps, stilettos, wedges, platforms, mules, Mary-Janes, boots...........I am a lover and consumer of all things shoes. However I have had to make way in my collection for runners in my quest for endurance running......this is my story.
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
Sunday, 25 December 2011
Merry Christmas
( think 12 days of Christmas tune) On this very day of Christmas Coach Tippett gave to me, a slow run along a sandy beach.........Merry Christmas everyone :)
After fending off 2 migraines in 3 days with the help of the magical imigran tablets, we arrived in Ballina yesterday afternoon both exhausted for different reasons (me because I was a migraine warrior and my beloved had been a superhero coastal driver) we had a magnificently looooonnnngggggg sleep we headed out along the beach for today's run........the water was choppy and wild, some may even say treacherous, the sun was out, it was warm and the easy run was hard! We certainly felt alive! I am starting to feel like relaxation is not too far away!
Have a sensational day wherever you are, whatever you are doing
PS I unwrapped a funky pair of sneakers this!
After fending off 2 migraines in 3 days with the help of the magical imigran tablets, we arrived in Ballina yesterday afternoon both exhausted for different reasons (me because I was a migraine warrior and my beloved had been a superhero coastal driver) we had a magnificently looooonnnngggggg sleep we headed out along the beach for today's run........the water was choppy and wild, some may even say treacherous, the sun was out, it was warm and the easy run was hard! We certainly felt alive! I am starting to feel like relaxation is not too far away!
Have a sensational day wherever you are, whatever you are doing
PS I unwrapped a funky pair of sneakers this!
Friday, 23 December 2011
Coastal climb-ax
Hill session from Coogee to Bronte and back again this morning in humid conditions with the sun peeking through the clouds every now and again. Spectacular coastal scenery with challenging inclines and steep declines, past craggy rocky outcrops and a cemetery with prime views all followed by breakfast at Bronte. Great way to start the day.......made a shoe purchase yesterday and am thinking that perhaps I did not set my shoe challenge high enough!! Only time will tell :)
Thursday, 22 December 2011
Change of scenery
Ran along Botany Bay this morning. Wonderful to see to Sydney skyline for a change. Can't wait for my legs to feel a little less tired and exhausted....managed almost 12kms of intervals so can't really complain...............maybe my legs will know they are on holidays when we reach Ballina in a few days........
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Had a quickie 60 min hill run this morning as we are heading off to Sydney today for a funeral. So my holidays have started sooner than I this space as I cross many state borders over the next couple of weeks on holiday! Aiming to add to my shoe collection (shall I challenge myself to a new pair in every place I stay???) as well as take in new scenes running.
Sunday, 18 December 2011
Little Red Caboose
Surely everyone knows the story of the Little Red Caboose with the line "I think I can, I think I can".......keep that in mind as I share my morning run.............when I got up this morning my legs were screaming at me - achy and tired -I thought I would just see how I went before making a decision about whether to stay home or go...........although I am exhausted, once I am awake there is pretty much no chance of me being able to fall back asleep and I wanted to get the run done before the predicted strong winds hit so I took myself to Port Melbourne and just got on with it..................I think I can, I think I can......................about 15 minutes into the 100 minute run I couldn't recall whether I had locked the car or not so I ran back to the car. Yep I had locked it! I started running again and this 'dressed in customary black' caboose legs ached and I stopped my watch (tracking pace/distacne etc) and said to myself...........'right that's it. This isn't happening today"......................but I was stopped in my tracks looking at the bay and those wretched good cop/bad cop voices started to talk to me..........'toughen up princess - tired legs never killed anyone. You've run a couple of marathons and you need to push through this" "You are exhausted you poor thing. Work has been super busy. You have a lot on your plate. You can try this tomorrow. Go easy on yourself"
I remember putting my hands on my head to listen to the debate raging in my head and then gave myself a virtual bitch slap across the face and told myself to get moving and to think of how I would feel after completing it. And off I went "I think I can, I think I can, I know I can"
Between you and me it was a mongrel of a run but it is done and yes I feel good that I kept on with it.
I remember putting my hands on my head to listen to the debate raging in my head and then gave myself a virtual bitch slap across the face and told myself to get moving and to think of how I would feel after completing it. And off I went "I think I can, I think I can, I know I can"
Between you and me it was a mongrel of a run but it is done and yes I feel good that I kept on with it.
Saturday, 17 December 2011
Bananas are da bomb!
Today's run is done...............fabulous morning to be out running..............legs and body really tired but I pushed myself as hard as I could in the interval sets and made the most of the 1 minute walks in between! Fueling my body for the long sessions has been a bit of trial and error but this morning's banana was a winner :)
Saw a huge red balloon (and its passengers) land on the beach at St the light of dawn it looked like a massive ruby tear drop floating to the ground..............
Enjoy the sunshine everyone :)
Saw a huge red balloon (and its passengers) land on the beach at St the light of dawn it looked like a massive ruby tear drop floating to the ground..............
Enjoy the sunshine everyone :)
Friday, 16 December 2011
I am not only thankful that it is Friday for the very fact that Friday is followed by 2 days not at work but it is also the last Friday I will have to get up to go to work for a number of weeks......YAY for school holidays!
I was sent a message yesterday asking me about how I stay motivated to get up and run...........................I replied that the best motivator is having a running when the alarm went off @ 4 this morning I had to dig deep to find the motivation to just get up because slumber was feeling pretty good! I did get up and out the door but about 15 minutes into the session my partner in crime wasn't feeling up for the run and headed back to the car...................the good cop/bad cop sitting on each of my shoulders tried hard to put their case across "ok you can do this" "just do half the session" "let's get moving. It will be over before you know it" "you're tired-head back to the car too"...............I had to dig deeper to find the motivation to push the negative thoughts out of my head................................motivated to feel good after the session I kept on with the interval session and before I knew it I had completed the session and 15.46km :)
Have a fabulous Friday
I was sent a message yesterday asking me about how I stay motivated to get up and run...........................I replied that the best motivator is having a running when the alarm went off @ 4 this morning I had to dig deep to find the motivation to just get up because slumber was feeling pretty good! I did get up and out the door but about 15 minutes into the session my partner in crime wasn't feeling up for the run and headed back to the car...................the good cop/bad cop sitting on each of my shoulders tried hard to put their case across "ok you can do this" "just do half the session" "let's get moving. It will be over before you know it" "you're tired-head back to the car too"...............I had to dig deeper to find the motivation to push the negative thoughts out of my head................................motivated to feel good after the session I kept on with the interval session and before I knew it I had completed the session and 15.46km :)
Have a fabulous Friday
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy
Do you recall Linda Evangelista (former ubermodel) once uttered the quote, "We don't wake up for less than $10,000 a day"? I had a similar thought this morning ("I don't wake up for less than 10km") when I considered my run store for me today was an easy peasy lemon squeezy 30 minute run @ easy pace.........I got up and headed out the front gate with the pooch and we set off around the neighbourhood.
Great way to start the day :)
Great way to start the day :)
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Rip van Winkle has nothing on me!
Seriously I am getting more sleep than Rip van Winkle but even with such sensible amounts of slumber under my belt, getting up to go running isn't getting any easier........I am going to blame end-of-term-itis! Hill run for 60 minutes done for the day...................
See you tomorrow :)
And for those that have asked about my puffy feet and my dilemma of what shoes to wear to the wedidng - crisis averted - my ogre feet went down so I could once more see bones and veins in my feet and the shoes that I had bought to wear to the wedding fit my feet like Cinderella's slippers and took me effortlessly through the garden wedding and function! Phew!
See you tomorrow :)
And for those that have asked about my puffy feet and my dilemma of what shoes to wear to the wedidng - crisis averted - my ogre feet went down so I could once more see bones and veins in my feet and the shoes that I had bought to wear to the wedding fit my feet like Cinderella's slippers and took me effortlessly through the garden wedding and function! Phew!
Saturday, 10 December 2011
Head Junk
Apparently one person's junk is another person's treasure.................however I am not sure that anyone (other than the dog!) would want the junk I am blowing from my head! Off to Sydney in a tick for a wedding this afternoon....................alarm went off at 4am but I had been awake thinking of work stuff since midnight as well as blowing my nose and I just couldn't find my way to get trying to not beat myself up about missing the session...................have packed a second pair of heels to wear to the wedding - I almost had a meltdown last night when I looked at my feet and instead of being able to see the veins and bones as per normal, I saw fat puffy feet.................fat puffy feet that DID NOT fit into the fabulous dusty pink platform slingbacks that I had bought to wear to the wedding. AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH............seems you cannot have summer weather in Mlebourne without a pay off and that pay off for me was puffy feet! I tried on another pair of shoes but broke the zip doing them up AAARRRRGGGGHHHHHH.......................So I have hopefully averted a disaster and have packed a second pair of platform heels that should see me through the wedding if my feet remain as distorted as they were last night!
Thursday, 8 December 2011
Trying to breathe through a doona
It truly felt like I was trying to suck in air through a doona on this morning's run along the day.............chest is full of gunk from the head cold but I managed to get the run done with all the associated heavy breathing and gasping! 12.51km later and I am happy I pushed through :)
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
Time Poor
Just sitting down as the day finishes and I realised that I hadn't even had time to write about today's run (nice and short, 30 mins!) and yesterday's run (60 minutes of hills) there you have it..............tomorrow's run tomorrow......................heading to Sydney on Saturday for a wedding which menas I get to debut a gorgeous new pair of this space!
Sunday, 4 December 2011
Ain't no fun in run
The Sussans fun run ( Sussans fun run) happened this morning and I have been registered for quite some time to do the 10km run...................I figured it was a nice change from the long distance running events that I have been doing.......................the training for it from my coach has been just as demanding and intense as the endurance training but the thought of finishing the run in about 50 minutes (instead of hours like a marathon takes) was my motivation.................however after some incredibly trying times at work in recent weeks my immune system has taken a beating with stress and of course this weekend my body has happily invited some bug/germ to reside in my the fun run was skipped and I stayed indoors blowing my nose feeling sorry for myself....................anyone need a Rudolph the Reindeer impersonator for your Christmas party?
Short run
Good morning everyone. My news for today is:
On Friday morning we got up, got dressed and took the pooch for a 40 minute run near Port Melbourne. We saw the sun rising in the sky. It was lovely. Nothing else really happened.
The End :)
On Friday morning we got up, got dressed and took the pooch for a 40 minute run near Port Melbourne. We saw the sun rising in the sky. It was lovely. Nothing else really happened.
The End :)
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Short and sharp
When my coach said that this week I would have less runs but the runs would be high with intensity he wasn't wrong. Having Monday as a rest day as well as today has been great because I have been able to fill my day with more stuff before the work day starts!
Yesterday morning's session was over and done with in less than an hour (this does not happen very often) but essentially after a warm up and some run throughs I was required to run like I was being chased (by an invisible being) for 10 minutes at a time! And there wasn't even the fun of being caught or of sqealing in my quest to escape my chaser!
When was the last time you were chased?
Yesterday morning's session was over and done with in less than an hour (this does not happen very often) but essentially after a warm up and some run throughs I was required to run like I was being chased (by an invisible being) for 10 minutes at a time! And there wasn't even the fun of being caught or of sqealing in my quest to escape my chaser!
When was the last time you were chased?
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Back on the horse
I disappeared into a dark space for a few days dragged down by the unrelentless work tug-of-war but was reminded a number of people that it is only a job! But issues should not consume every waking minute and take you away from what really is important......................anyways in times like the ones I have had recently, I tend to 'beat myself up' because I am not running with a positive outlook and I find fault in everything that I me, being in my head when I am not being positive is not the funnest place to be!!!..............I am happy to share that "I am back on the horse" once more - had some time out, spent some time talking through the issues, made a plan to move forward and most importantly was out running yesterday with thoughts that did not pertain to work! YAY!
So yesterday's session was almost an hour and a half of interval running along the bay in conditions that I would normally moan about (windy and rainy) but I was just happy to be out and about doing my thing.
PS I wore a new pair of heels on Friday that I had purchased earlier in the week in an attempt to elevate my mood (the purchase worked!) and at our school's community market that evening, I cannot deny that I loved hearing several mums tell me that their daughters tell them all about my shoes........
So yesterday's session was almost an hour and a half of interval running along the bay in conditions that I would normally moan about (windy and rainy) but I was just happy to be out and about doing my thing.
PS I wore a new pair of heels on Friday that I had purchased earlier in the week in an attempt to elevate my mood (the purchase worked!) and at our school's community market that evening, I cannot deny that I loved hearing several mums tell me that their daughters tell them all about my shoes........
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Cry me a River run sessions have ever made me cry as much as the past few weeks at work have. If only the energy I am expending dealing with work issues could be transferred to my runs.................maybe I would feel like I had some more energy to give my runs.
This morning I also realised, running along the bay, that I haven't been present to the beauty of nature around me because of my preoccupation with work. :(
This morning I also realised, running along the bay, that I haven't been present to the beauty of nature around me because of my preoccupation with work. :(
Monday, 21 November 2011
Shoes elevate your mood
Today was a rest day from was also an emotional day (of the work kind) an attempt to switch up my mood, I did some retail therapy to substantiate my theory that buying heels elevates your mood.................I would like to say I was correct!
Later when your legs are straighter!
Later when your legs are straighter!
Sunday, 20 November 2011
How BIG is BIG?
The answer's run session was BIG! I calculated roughly that it would be about an hour and a half and in the end it was one hour 42 minutes and a grand total of 17.29km covered between Port Melbourne and Elwood. I had a warm up,10 lots of 1km efforts with walk-float in between each effort and a long cool down. Gorgeous morning with lots of people down at the triathlon in St Kilda.
Hope that whatever you are up to today is BIG too!
Hope that whatever you are up to today is BIG too!
Saturday, 19 November 2011
Wakey, wakey
After a super dooper (and long) sleep, I pulled on my running gear and headed over to the Tan for a 70 minute hill run. Evidence of last night's mighty winds and heavy rains everywhere.............................the solitude of the run allowed me to think (I never overthink!) about how to solve the problems of the entire universe in a single wave of my wand. Another hard run, made harder by the challenges I added to the mix but a sense of accomplishment when I finished my session.
May your weekend be full of magic :)
May your weekend be full of magic :)
Friday, 18 November 2011
Another day, another run
Our little trio headed over to Port Melbourne for the run session.....................22 degrees at 5am = a sticky run. Hasn't been a great for me work wise and today I really just couldn't get it together.........think I would rather have thrown myself in the water, a bit like the pooch did....................have another run tomorrow morning and another on Sunday..................with some luck I will run this week out of my system and start fresh again for next week.
How has your week been?
How has your week been?
Thursday, 17 November 2011
What's my problem?
Getting up for a run this week has been extremely hard..................not making excuses (or am I?) but the context of this week may explain some of the lack of motivation.................Monday and Tuesday this week I was at a strategic planning forum aimed to inform the next 3 years of work for the region I work in..............that equalled long day/night on Monday night and a taxing day on Tuesday (aka brain fry) followed by a School Council meeting and then yesterday was like Grand Central Station at work - my diary was booked out with appointments and then some..................with the BIG piece being a lunch interview/school walk-n-talk as part of the Ultranet Review................that was followed by a parent meeting. Throw in the reading of applications for a position that is advertised at work and the regular things that each of us do on a daily basis and I am buggered..................or is it a case of PMS - Post Marathon Motivation? I have no idea what the definite cause of my malaise is but it really messed with my head this morning. Couldn't haved asked for a better morning to be along the bay but today I truly felt like I was on a treadmill unable to go any faster and getting nowhere.............
Suggestions? Remedies?
Suggestions? Remedies?
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Full Moon Rising and Heavy Breathing
I am writing this blog sitting in my car to get out of the chill in the air at Shepparton. I have been up since 4.20 this morning – all part and parcel of being a supporter at the half Ironman Triathlon. Am more than happy to be doing my bit.
Heavy Breathing………………… trust me when I say I would prefer heavy petting but a 60 minute hills session on Saturday morning seems to lend itself to heavy breathing only! There is not much more to say…………………start run, climb hill, heavy breathing, heavy breathing, huff, huff, huff, downhill, puff, oh joy another hill, heavy breathing, lungs tight, want to stop to catch my breath, puff, puff, another incline, huff, puff and so it went for 60 minutes. I jumped into the car for the drive home with a thought that I would get lucky………………………..I had a vision of me buying a pair of shoes (or possibly a handbag) in Shepparton later on Saturday.
(PS no shoes were purchased but this sign was up in the only shoe shop I found in town)
Life…………….…actually that should read WORK has been ridiculously hectic………………resulting in me wondering if I actually have a life. Which leads me to why I am sitting in my car early Sunday morning typing up about my run sessions on Friday and Saturday……..I haven’t had the time or space to grab a few minutes to natter on about my running (let alone anything else)………………..let’s cut to the chase shall we?
Full Moon Rising…………………the full moon, glowing and hanging heavily near the horizon, gave muted light for the bay run sessionon Friday. I only noticed it on my return leg of the run. My initial thoughts were how eerie the morning light was and how the moon looked like a massive beach ball suspended just above the water………………..this peaceful thought was immediately overtaken by my realisation that this magnificent moon and all its fullness was probably a major factor in how manic and crazy my work week has been – to those that believe in the waning and waxing/ebbing of the tides, the lunar cycle and the impact on the body’s bio-rhythms, well my friends, I have lived that impact at school this past week. Some of the kids were not far off howling at the moon!
P.S. I feel the need to say that the shoes on one of the beauties from Beauty and the Geek (on Thursday night) did not suit the purpose or the occasion.
Heavy Breathing………………… trust me when I say I would prefer heavy petting but a 60 minute hills session on Saturday morning seems to lend itself to heavy breathing only! There is not much more to say…………………start run, climb hill, heavy breathing, heavy breathing, huff, huff, huff, downhill, puff, oh joy another hill, heavy breathing, lungs tight, want to stop to catch my breath, puff, puff, another incline, huff, puff and so it went for 60 minutes. I jumped into the car for the drive home with a thought that I would get lucky………………………..I had a vision of me buying a pair of shoes (or possibly a handbag) in Shepparton later on Saturday.
(PS no shoes were purchased but this sign was up in the only shoe shop I found in town)
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
This week hasn't been a great week.................not loving the body I am in and I am hard on this morning's run helped to set my mental tone for the day (as in feeling positive about the day). The pooch stayed indoors today and doing the run was a wonderful way to get the blood flowing.............and gave me the power to get through the day. And what a day it was!
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Remnants of a Party Started
I'm coming up so you better get this party started
I'm coming up so you better get this party started
Warm spring morning for my run session this morning.................there obviously was much revelry along the bay last night, people making the most of the balmy Saturday evening...............
Get this party started
on a Saturday night
My run was the most 'scenic' I have had in a while, thanks to the evidence on the beach.................I ran past 3 guys face planted in the sand sound asleep (they were still there when I ran back about 40 mins later), lots of couples strolling along in party attire looking dishevelled (and faces smeared) and I have to tell you that I was privvy to one girl's pink bits.......true...............she was leaning up against her man on the rock wall down near the St Kilda jetty........................her legs were askew and apart and as I ran towards her, I copped the full view! And as for my was a good session :)
Pumpin up the volume,
breaking down to the beat
cruisin' through the west side
I'll be checkin' the scene
Biggest disappointment was the disgusting mess at the St Kilda foreshore - bins were over flowing and rubbish was stacked up against the bins, the beach was strewn with booze bottles, leftover takeaway, pizza boxes............was an eyesore....the seagulls were having a field day.......mine, mine, mine, mine.........shame on City of Port Phillip for not supplying enough bins and shame on the visitors that couldn't be bothered taking their rubbish with them.
I'm coming up so you better get this party started
I'm coming up so you better get this party started
I'm coming up so you better get this party started
Warm spring morning for my run session this morning.................there obviously was much revelry along the bay last night, people making the most of the balmy Saturday evening...............
Get this party started
on a Saturday night
My run was the most 'scenic' I have had in a while, thanks to the evidence on the beach.................I ran past 3 guys face planted in the sand sound asleep (they were still there when I ran back about 40 mins later), lots of couples strolling along in party attire looking dishevelled (and faces smeared) and I have to tell you that I was privvy to one girl's pink bits.......true...............she was leaning up against her man on the rock wall down near the St Kilda jetty........................her legs were askew and apart and as I ran towards her, I copped the full view! And as for my was a good session :)
Pumpin up the volume,
breaking down to the beat
cruisin' through the west side
I'll be checkin' the scene
Biggest disappointment was the disgusting mess at the St Kilda foreshore - bins were over flowing and rubbish was stacked up against the bins, the beach was strewn with booze bottles, leftover takeaway, pizza boxes............was an eyesore....the seagulls were having a field day.......mine, mine, mine, mine.........shame on City of Port Phillip for not supplying enough bins and shame on the visitors that couldn't be bothered taking their rubbish with them.
I'm coming up so you better get this party started
I'm coming up so you better get this party started
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Dive Bombed
Fabulous calm morning in Melbourne.............made our way to The Tan for a hills word................T.O.U.G.H.....................the hills may look meek and mild to the untrained eye but to my lungs it was a rough way to start the day! Afterall this was my first hills session since starting training again 2 weeks ago! And to add insult to injury, I was obviously (unknowingly) trespassing on 'enemy territory'............cranky Plovers dive-bombed with military precision for crossing the invisible boundary lines! Their swooping ensured that we did not linger.
And if this is what the hills did to the pooch, how do you think I pulled up?!!!
And if this is what the hills did to the pooch, how do you think I pulled up?!!!
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Well this morning's session is done.......................windy ol' morning in Port question for today is.......................why aren't public toilets open for those of us moving about? Not even the self cleaning/flushing/dispensing loos were working which created a dilemma for me..................I could either do as the dog does or not!
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Missing in action - that was me this morning :(
I went to bed last night visualising my run and was feeling pretty positive about it.........not that there was anything daunting about the run - an easy 40 minutes...............but when the alarm went off I just had nothing, no desire, no interest, nil motivation. So I stayed in bed. Dozing.
So tomorrow is another day and I I will be up and out the door.......................promise.
I went to bed last night visualising my run and was feeling pretty positive about it.........not that there was anything daunting about the run - an easy 40 minutes...............but when the alarm went off I just had nothing, no desire, no interest, nil motivation. So I stayed in bed. Dozing.
So tomorrow is another day and I I will be up and out the door.......................promise.
Monday, 31 October 2011
Running on empty
Rude is what it was when the alarm sounded at 4.10am! Needed convincing to get up and I did ............eventually, donning a thermal top and warm legs....................the interval session took 70 minutes (and 10kms) and I really felt like I was running on an empty tank. That's it, I had nothing :(
Let's see how I go tomorrow............already it will be a winner because it is a public holiday and I get to have some sort of sleep in!
Giddy up!
Let's see how I go tomorrow............already it will be a winner because it is a public holiday and I get to have some sort of sleep in!
Giddy up!
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Rise & Run
My sense is that the pooch used my iphone this morning to check the weather before I finished getting ready for my interval session because there was NO WAY she was even remotely interested in joining me for my 83 minute run at The Tan. I think she even tried to velcro herself to the blanket to make it almost impossible for me to wrench her off it! I stepped outside and steeled myself against the rain, wind and cold :( It would appear that the pooch high fived herself at her stay-indoors decision when she saw me walk through the door upon my return!
Mission completed and now happily sitting in the warmth and dry of home after being drenched and wind blown but "When it's pouring rain and you're bowling along through the wet, there's satisfaction in knowing you're out there and the others aren't."
-Peter Snell
PS forgot to mention that I bought a new pair of wedges and cheerful and guaranteed to bring some sunshine to my week at work :)
Mission completed and now happily sitting in the warmth and dry of home after being drenched and wind blown but "When it's pouring rain and you're bowling along through the wet, there's satisfaction in knowing you're out there and the others aren't."
-Peter Snell
PS forgot to mention that I bought a new pair of wedges and cheerful and guaranteed to bring some sunshine to my week at work :)
Saturday, 29 October 2011
One Towel, Three Wet Bodies
After a much needed sleep in, we hit the pavement down at Newport running towards Williamstown and the heavens opened up. Coach Tippett told me the previous day to just go out and enjoy the runs, not to worry about pace and not to panic, my fitness/conditioning would be back again in a couple of weeks. So with that in mind, the run was an easy 40 minutes.....................although I couldn't maintain a conversation particularly well (and it wasn't because I had nothing of value to talk about!). I was happy that the wind was light and in my favour some of the way..............the only dilemma was which one of the wet bodies needed the towel most post run!
See you out there tomorrow :)
(And a shout out to my friend who is competing in a triathlon in Kalgoorlie in the go girl!)
See you out there tomorrow :)
(And a shout out to my friend who is competing in a triathlon in Kalgoorlie in the go girl!)
Thursday, 27 October 2011
Time to Reboot
Morning :) I started back at training this week and oh my, what a shock to the body after 2 weeks of rest/recovery after the Melbourne Marathon.
The other afternoon after work, I laced up my runners and headed to Doggy Daycare to collect our 4-legged friend......legs felt heavy and running into the headwind almost felt like I was not moving at all. Tried really hard to not feel discouraged :(
This morning, the pooch and I headed over to Port Melbourne to join everyone else up and 40 minutes flat run took us from near where the Spirit of Tasmania docks down to St Kilda beach and back again. I added in a bit of beach running (not sure why I added in extra resistance!) and welcomed the 10 secs breaks every now and again to leash/unleash the pooch when normally doing that frustrates me because I am focussed on my purpose............I am trying to work out whether I still have some fatigue from the marathon OR if I have lost lots of fitness OR whether I was running on empty...........all I know is that whilst it felt good to be out pounding the pavement again, it certainly wasn't a walk in the park! OR perhaps I am just exhausted after a hectic week at work - case in point - I looked at my watch a number of times (keeps pace/time/distance) and thought to myself how consistent I was with my pace.........5 or so minutes later, I was still holding the same pace, albeit slower than my usual was only when I glanced at it after I had stopped to leash to pooch (and was still maintaining a consistent pace) and realised that the reason I was so consistent was because I had stopped the watch and forgotten to restart it! Oh well :)
Here's to a super Thursday at work!
The other afternoon after work, I laced up my runners and headed to Doggy Daycare to collect our 4-legged friend......legs felt heavy and running into the headwind almost felt like I was not moving at all. Tried really hard to not feel discouraged :(
This morning, the pooch and I headed over to Port Melbourne to join everyone else up and 40 minutes flat run took us from near where the Spirit of Tasmania docks down to St Kilda beach and back again. I added in a bit of beach running (not sure why I added in extra resistance!) and welcomed the 10 secs breaks every now and again to leash/unleash the pooch when normally doing that frustrates me because I am focussed on my purpose............I am trying to work out whether I still have some fatigue from the marathon OR if I have lost lots of fitness OR whether I was running on empty...........all I know is that whilst it felt good to be out pounding the pavement again, it certainly wasn't a walk in the park! OR perhaps I am just exhausted after a hectic week at work - case in point - I looked at my watch a number of times (keeps pace/time/distance) and thought to myself how consistent I was with my pace.........5 or so minutes later, I was still holding the same pace, albeit slower than my usual was only when I glanced at it after I had stopped to leash to pooch (and was still maintaining a consistent pace) and realised that the reason I was so consistent was because I had stopped the watch and forgotten to restart it! Oh well :)
Here's to a super Thursday at work!
Sunday, 16 October 2011
Toes in the water
This morning, I slid my gorgeous painted toenails into my Vibrams and headed down to the beach @ Williamstown to do a light interval session. I was hesitant................................ just in case my bruised toenails hurt but I can happily report that I suffered not one bit of discomfort or pain. YAY! And so the games will begin again :)
And..................................not that I need any convincing to wear high heels, the article below from an incredibly reputable Sunday newspaper (!) informs me that my high heels will save my knees which in turn will be a bonus for my running! And research suugests that heels can also do wonders for a woman's sex life.................................Touche
And..................................not that I need any convincing to wear high heels, the article below from an incredibly reputable Sunday newspaper (!) informs me that my high heels will save my knees which in turn will be a bonus for my running! And research suugests that heels can also do wonders for a woman's sex life.................................Touche
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Tiptoe through the tulips
Day 4 (after the marathon) and I was able to walk without looking like my legs were in splints! Getting up and down from chairs and seats proved the most painful and difficult and I was thankful that no students needed any restraining or for me to sprint to break up a fight.................until Tuesday! And today I was able to wear a pair of my new shoes that I had hoped to wear on Monday...........better late than never I guess. My daily challenge has been to find shoes that don't touch my toenails.
Tiredness hit yesterday and I wore some cranky pants to school! Slumber didn't come readily on Sunday or Monday legs felt like they were still running.
I am being gentle with myself and tiptoeing through the week. Aiming to put my runners on over the weekend and try a gentle run.
Tiredness hit yesterday and I wore some cranky pants to school! Slumber didn't come readily on Sunday or Monday legs felt like they were still running.
I am being gentle with myself and tiptoeing through the week. Aiming to put my runners on over the weekend and try a gentle run.
Sunday, 9 October 2011
Toenails are for sissies! (apparently)
"Toenails are for sissies" was a sign being held up about 5kms from the finish line..............I thought about how wretchedly sore my toenails were feeling, looked down at my shoe and expected to see some blood seeping through...............thankfully no evidence of torture.........yet!
Melbourne Marathon 2011 is completed for me.....................I looked back at when I started this blog, my goal was to run this marathon injury free..............achieved! I also wanted to beat my time from last year................check (by about 15 minutes...................go me!).................I didn't do the time that I had in my head (between 3.30 and 3.45) but I still came in under 4 hours, so I am rapt. Things were SO on track until I hit around the 26km mark and turned into a mighty headwind and it slowed me down.............and everyone else around me. One of the drink stations was completely upended by the wind with cups of water and gatorade flying into the air and over runners. Melbourne put on wind, rain and sunshine for those of us running and the supporters along the route. A big thank you to my supporters (online and real time) and to my fabulous supporter on route........makes a massive difference seeing a familiar face smiling at you :)
At home now, fed and watered and wearing compression gear on my thighs and calves. My poor toenails have been beaten and some are lifting from the nail bed..............always a good look..................they have only just recovered from last year's marathon :( I am booked in for a deluxe pedi next Saturday and am excited in anticipation of some love and care being given to them.
I am going to enjoy the next week or so off from running and await the next run training program to get me ready for some shorter distances before the end of the year followed by a 28km trail run in January and another marathon in March 2012.
My final thing before I sign off and recline on the sofa is that I saw a sassy pair of patent wedges on a spectator..........I should have asked where I could get me some!
Love my work!
![]() |
Mid stride between the 30-35km mark |
Melbourne Marathon 2011 is completed for me.....................I looked back at when I started this blog, my goal was to run this marathon injury free..............achieved! I also wanted to beat my time from last year................check (by about 15 minutes...................go me!).................I didn't do the time that I had in my head (between 3.30 and 3.45) but I still came in under 4 hours, so I am rapt. Things were SO on track until I hit around the 26km mark and turned into a mighty headwind and it slowed me down.............and everyone else around me. One of the drink stations was completely upended by the wind with cups of water and gatorade flying into the air and over runners. Melbourne put on wind, rain and sunshine for those of us running and the supporters along the route. A big thank you to my supporters (online and real time) and to my fabulous supporter on route........makes a massive difference seeing a familiar face smiling at you :)
At home now, fed and watered and wearing compression gear on my thighs and calves. My poor toenails have been beaten and some are lifting from the nail bed..............always a good look..................they have only just recovered from last year's marathon :( I am booked in for a deluxe pedi next Saturday and am excited in anticipation of some love and care being given to them.
I am going to enjoy the next week or so off from running and await the next run training program to get me ready for some shorter distances before the end of the year followed by a 28km trail run in January and another marathon in March 2012.
My final thing before I sign off and recline on the sofa is that I saw a sassy pair of patent wedges on a spectator..........I should have asked where I could get me some!
Love my work!
Saturday, 8 October 2011
My secret weapon
Silic, lube..................... call it what you will but it is the BEST barrier cream (and secret weapon) I have used and lathering my feet and skin with it will ensure that I do not get any chafing where my skin moves against fabric and more importantly I will not suffer any blisters..................having blister-free feet is imperative because I plan on wearing a new pair of shoes that I bought last weekend to work on Monday!
Today I am taking it easy, cooking another batch of granola and giving my legs and feet as much rest as possible. I am feeling pretty positive about what lies ahead but all going to plan, this time in 24 hours I will most probably be sitting in the same place on the sofa loving myself sick!
See you at the finish line!
Thursday, 6 October 2011
Pill Popper
It is a wonder that you cannot hear the pills that I pop every morning before I run jiggling around inside me............I start with an anti-histamine to beat the pollen at it's game, Voltaren tablets to relieve infammation, 3 flaxseed tablets, a mulitvitamin and 4 Chinese herb capsules to regulate girl stuff! On marathon day I will add some pain killers to that mix as well as some caffeine tablets............sheesh!
So if you are cheering the runners on along the route and you don't see me, there is a good chance you will hear me!
Another run session along the bay.............ships were dotted out in the bay and their lights reflecting on the water formed lines of light and looked like massive bar codes on the water!
Had a session with Matt @ Muscular Therapies to help sort out some foot pain.
3 more sleeps :)
So if you are cheering the runners on along the route and you don't see me, there is a good chance you will hear me!
Another run session along the bay.............ships were dotted out in the bay and their lights reflecting on the water formed lines of light and looked like massive bar codes on the water!
Had a session with Matt @ Muscular Therapies to help sort out some foot pain.
3 more sleeps :)
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
The Last Hurrah
The last long run session before the marathon was this morning..........all 1hr and 50 minutes of it. Calm Melbourne morning meant that the session could happen along the bay............albeit @ 4.30am! Felt a few niggles during the run that I hope will be ironed out on Thursday when I have a visit to Melbourne Muscular Therapies ( to see Matt.
Sheesh it seems like only last week that I was starting the training for this marathon after a mother-of-all-migraines wiped me from the starting line at the Gold Coast.
Weather forecast for Sunday looks sweet.....sun (good) and light winds (even better).
Sheesh it seems like only last week that I was starting the training for this marathon after a mother-of-all-migraines wiped me from the starting line at the Gold Coast.
Weather forecast for Sunday looks sweet.....sun (good) and light winds (even better).
Monday, 3 October 2011
Sleep talking
It would appear that running the marathon is on my mind................possibly more than I realised..........I was told that I talked about it 'being race day' in my sleep last night!
Today was a rest day which my hip was thankful for..............what's wrong with my hip I hear you ask? Who knows............gave me discomfort after the 16km hill session yesterday.
When a race/run day is looming, I get rather anxious. I have been known to be standing at the start line, with tears falling down my face prior to the gun signalling 'RUN"! Once I get moving, the tears stop and I get on with the task at hand, find my pace and run!
"Can I handle my goal pace? Will I make the time I am aiming for? Will any old injuries flare up?"
Apparently pre race nerves are totally normal and I can channel them to work for me.............mmmm..........seems visualing positive race scenarios in my warm up will work wonders as will reminding myself of the solid training runs that I have completed.................and telling myself that 'I'm trained, rested and ready to do my best". Coach Tippett just called and reminded me that clapping my hands everytime I have a negative thought will 'snap' me out of it. Mmmmmm
Aside from my 3 final runs this week, I will attempt to talk positively to myself - that in itself will be a mental marathon!
PS made two shoe purchases today and am not sure how it happened!
Today was a rest day which my hip was thankful for..............what's wrong with my hip I hear you ask? Who knows............gave me discomfort after the 16km hill session yesterday.
When a race/run day is looming, I get rather anxious. I have been known to be standing at the start line, with tears falling down my face prior to the gun signalling 'RUN"! Once I get moving, the tears stop and I get on with the task at hand, find my pace and run!
"Can I handle my goal pace? Will I make the time I am aiming for? Will any old injuries flare up?"
Apparently pre race nerves are totally normal and I can channel them to work for me.............mmmm..........seems visualing positive race scenarios in my warm up will work wonders as will reminding myself of the solid training runs that I have completed.................and telling myself that 'I'm trained, rested and ready to do my best". Coach Tippett just called and reminded me that clapping my hands everytime I have a negative thought will 'snap' me out of it. Mmmmmm
Aside from my 3 final runs this week, I will attempt to talk positively to myself - that in itself will be a mental marathon!
PS made two shoe purchases today and am not sure how it happened!
Sunday, 2 October 2011
Ready, Set, Almost GO!
This morning was my last (undulating) hills session before the marathon next Sunday. 16kms of up hills and down I made the most of a very quiet Melbourne morning (people were either nursing hangovers from the footy final or they forgot to change their clocks for DLS) and ran up and down the inclines in and around the CBD. Starting at The Tan, I headed up Anderson Hill and over near the Remembrance Shrine, around some blocks, over some footbridges, past Flinders St Station, up Swanston, in and out and around eventually getting to Treasury Gardens. Up inclines, down declines and over towards the MCG I was ashamed of how much rubbish from the finals was still on the ground.............shame, shame, shame. Down Punt Rd, over some more footbridges and back up Anderson Hill for a final lap of the Tan. Melbourne has a flat landscape so finding undulating hills takes some deviations and meandering.
Feeling pretty good.
Feeling pretty good.
Saturday, 1 October 2011
No achy breaky heart
Dark clouds loomed menacingly above as I opened the gates to head over to The Tan...............were the heavens going to open and dump on me?..............I mean it's not as though getting wet would dissolve me like an aspro.....was I looking for a reason not to run? Possibly. Was it important that I do the session? Absolutely! With the marathon 8 sleeps away this morning's session was just as important as any of the other run sessions over the previous 12 weeks.
I have mentioned before that I love watching the world wake up and this morning had the added feature of die-hard footy fans moving about in the city early all heading in the direction of the MCG. My run took me around the Tan and through Southbank, across the Yarra, along past Flinders Street station and over near the 'G'. I had intervals as well as run- throughs and a happy little pooch running alongside me for just over an hour. I got a 'Hello Miss Leanne" from one of my lovers (of my rocky road!) and a double BONUS of no rain (and no subsequent dissolving) and no niggles /discomfort in my foot, calves or pelvis!
I say "GO LEANNE!" (and give a shout out to Trish who started her ultramarathon from Echuca this morning)
I have mentioned before that I love watching the world wake up and this morning had the added feature of die-hard footy fans moving about in the city early all heading in the direction of the MCG. My run took me around the Tan and through Southbank, across the Yarra, along past Flinders Street station and over near the 'G'. I had intervals as well as run- throughs and a happy little pooch running alongside me for just over an hour. I got a 'Hello Miss Leanne" from one of my lovers (of my rocky road!) and a double BONUS of no rain (and no subsequent dissolving) and no niggles /discomfort in my foot, calves or pelvis!
I say "GO LEANNE!" (and give a shout out to Trish who started her ultramarathon from Echuca this morning)
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Murder of the Dancefloor
Sophie Ellis Bexter was just singing her well known song, Murder on the Dancefloor, on breakfast HOT are her shoes in the clip from 10 years? Shoe envy...............(get a close up of them about 1.46 mins into the clip!) and I love the sparkle pair (aka trophy) at the beginning :) and I love the sparkle pair (aka trophy) at the beginning :)
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Trail Blazing
2 hour interval session and with the mighty wind blowing, we 3 headed to run along the Maribyrnong River with our starting point at Canning Reserve. The trail run follows the bends and turns of the Maribyrnong River from the city to Brimbank Park a distance of approximately 28 kms. In parts the air was scented with a light sweetness, rabbits bounced along (and grabbed the attention of an alert pooch) and birds hopped from branch to ground. Running along the river meant that we didn't escape the wind and it was warm....we stopped several times so that the pooch could have a cool off in the river.............but I was taken with the landscape............the River took on the delicious form of a lithe body reclined and stretched out. The trees lining the river edge were like her shopping bags, heavy and laden with treats hanging low to the ground. Newly planted saplings protected by green casings were spread out like freshly manicured nails on show. The creeping vine splayed out across the scrub looked like a glorious mane of hair, curled on the ends. I looked for her shoes................perhaps they were in the shopping bags..................
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Over the Top
90 minute hills session.............the very words evoke dread but I know I must do them to become a better/faster runner (trust me, elite marathon runners have nothing to fear from me!). I have missed a couple of hill sessions over the last me I have beaten myself up about not doing them. I feel like I have accomplished something BIG after each hill session and I am finding out that running hills has less to do with the lunge-sucking inhalations and more about the stumbling blocks that I place in my head. I find myself being strategic about how I will tackle the hill......but all the strategising takes my focus away......what I have realised is that if you give the slightest to the hill - be it stopping or giving up means the hill has won................the only way to get over the top of the hill is to run it and run it with form, grace and positve thinking!
Sunday, 25 September 2011
Light winds my arse!
Morning all. There is a little ritual that happens when I get up for a run in the morning...of course there is the obligatory visit to the loo but without a doubt the weather conditions are checked. Is there wind? If so in what direction? Outside temp? Apparent temp? Rain? This information assists in how I will dress for the run and it also helps me make a decisoin as to where I will run. This morning's checks were no different to any other morning and I distinctly recall the line on the weather app stating 'light SE winds'. I think to myself, "light winds should be ok for a run along the bay, southerly means there will be a nip in the air". Heading over the Westgate Bridge, the flags flapping about full mast and proud, should have been the first clue that we were about to deal with something a little more macho than light winds..........stepping out of the car (and off the heated front seats), I had to hold onto my visor to save it from being taken to the Land of Oz (2nd clue). My exposed arms became goose pimply like a pimply goose (3rd clue) as we ran into an almightly, apparently 'light' headwind! I have no doubt that we looked like we were running into an invisible wall. About 20 minutes into the run it was a case of turn around and have the wind pushing us or call it a day (clue #4). Given that I missed a couple of run sessions this week, I knew that I had to keep going, albeit with a tailwind. The 6 other legs running with me took a leave pass and I continued on through the back streets of Port Melbourne, trying to get out of the wind. The upside was I saw some gorgeous houses and treelined streets. Completing the session (over 2 hours long) in trying conditions also does a lot for my headspace.
Hope you have a salubrious Sunday
Hope you have a salubrious Sunday
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Hit the wall
It is almost the end of term and my early starts to get the run session donebefore work has me hitting the wall. This morning we took in The Tan as well as Fed Square, down past Flinders St Station, over the river near Crown Casino and back up along the eateries near The Arts Centre and rowing clubs back to do another lap of The Tan. The reflection of the lights on the Yarra was very pretty and once more I marvel at how the city wakes up, slowly but with twinkles.
I want to write more but I have typed and deleted and then typed and brain is tired and I need some sleep.
Yawn and sweet dreams
I want to write more but I have typed and deleted and then typed and brain is tired and I need some sleep.
Yawn and sweet dreams
Sunday, 18 September 2011
The next interval
Another fabulous Melbourne morning............and just over 22kms covered in this morning's interval session. Calm conditions made for a great run along the bay. No cheeky pooch with me this morning
I want to share with you the inspiring journey of a woman I met through the gym just over 2 years ago......just shows you how amazing each of us is and that the possibilities are only limited by your thoughts. Love your work Trish and will be thinking of you as you set out from Euchua.
I want to share with you the inspiring journey of a woman I met through the gym just over 2 years ago......just shows you how amazing each of us is and that the possibilities are only limited by your thoughts. Love your work Trish and will be thinking of you as you set out from Euchua.
Gran takes life lesson and runs with it
Saturday, 17 September 2011
Everyone's doin' it
Thank you Melbourne for a sensational spring morning.
I had a 2hr interval session scheduled and with very little wind around I headed over to Port Melbourne for a change of scenery......and it seemed that every man, woman and dog had exactly the same idea. The pooch joined me for the session and she loved being let of the leash and set free on the beach to do her broggy runs and cut sick! When she was back on the leash she took great interest in cyclists riding solo or in pairs and ran in front of me in sweeping motions from left to right and left again, not dissimilar to the action of someone using a metal detector. Down near Elwood she convinced me that she wanted to run on the sand and feel the grains between her foot pads, so I foolishly unleashed her and the cheeky pooch took off after a cyclist. I sprinted after her calling her name sounding like a fish monger's wife.................did she listen?..........she gave up the chase just as I neared her and then thinking this was a game, ran off in the other direction, kicking her legs up like a spring lamb. Needless to say I caught up with her, clicked her back on and didn't fall for her doggy charms to frollick freely until we reached the car to head home.
Cheeky? Yes but happy to have her along for the run this morning. Did just shy of 18kms.
Have a super dooper day x
I had a 2hr interval session scheduled and with very little wind around I headed over to Port Melbourne for a change of scenery......and it seemed that every man, woman and dog had exactly the same idea. The pooch joined me for the session and she loved being let of the leash and set free on the beach to do her broggy runs and cut sick! When she was back on the leash she took great interest in cyclists riding solo or in pairs and ran in front of me in sweeping motions from left to right and left again, not dissimilar to the action of someone using a metal detector. Down near Elwood she convinced me that she wanted to run on the sand and feel the grains between her foot pads, so I foolishly unleashed her and the cheeky pooch took off after a cyclist. I sprinted after her calling her name sounding like a fish monger's wife.................did she listen?..........she gave up the chase just as I neared her and then thinking this was a game, ran off in the other direction, kicking her legs up like a spring lamb. Needless to say I caught up with her, clicked her back on and didn't fall for her doggy charms to frollick freely until we reached the car to head home.
Cheeky? Yes but happy to have her along for the run this morning. Did just shy of 18kms.
Have a super dooper day x
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Received an email this afternoon reminding me that the Melbourne Marathon is only 26 days away..........mmmmmm.......took a look at what is left of my training program and as usual wondered if it will it all be ok on the far I have remained injury free and that was always my primary goal for this marathon, so I consider myself to be on track.
Today I did the hokey pokey and put my right hand in and shook it all about and committed to doing the marathon for a team entered into the first Ironman Melbourne, all staged in March 2012. I am happily leaving the 3.8km swim to Zoe and the 180km bike ride to Stuart. The swim happens in Frankston, the ride loops up the Eastlink and the run is from Frankston to St Kilda.
So who will be htere to cheer everyone on?
Today I did the hokey pokey and put my right hand in and shook it all about and committed to doing the marathon for a team entered into the first Ironman Melbourne, all staged in March 2012. I am happily leaving the 3.8km swim to Zoe and the 180km bike ride to Stuart. The swim happens in Frankston, the ride loops up the Eastlink and the run is from Frankston to St Kilda.
So who will be htere to cheer everyone on?
Sunday, 11 September 2011
No need to be Robinson Crusoe
Today I had my second attempt at making coconut milk yoghurt. My first batch didn't turn out how I expected it to...primarily because it was RAW coconut milk yoghurt....suitable for those that follow a raw food diet. However that is not research later I have discovered that coconut milk out of a can (rather than husking and cracking the coconut I so effortlessly demonstrated in a recent post!) is the way to go! With the assistance of a candy thermometer and some probiotic powder I am proud to say that my second attempt is now incubating! Watch this space again!
(PS I have been a busy little creative culinarian this afternoon making raspberry pecan muffins.........using silken tofu and sweetened with maple syrup..........if only this blogging experience was 'scratch and sniff ' so I could to share the yummies with you all.)
Tomorrow x
(PS I have been a busy little creative culinarian this afternoon making raspberry pecan muffins.........using silken tofu and sweetened with maple syrup..........if only this blogging experience was 'scratch and sniff ' so I could to share the yummies with you all.)
Tomorrow x
Saturday, 10 September 2011
I got chills, they're multiplyin'
Recorded temp: 8.0 degrees
Apparent temp: 1.8 degrees
Stay in warm bed OR get up and go for my run OR stay in warm bed OR get up and go for my run.....Trust me it was a bloody hard decision to make this morning........I could see the trees blowing and swaying outside the bedroom windows and those that know me, know that running in windy conditions really doesn't do it for me! This morning it was a case of grit my teeth and get going!
The Tan was full of colour and movement.......the colours of Spring as well as the scent of Spring.....the honeysuckle and jasmine wafting........the movement was partly thanks to Mother Nature as well as the many people out doing their thing!
Despite my initial reservations about heading out for my run, the intervals were completed before I knew it (and off to get coffee with my favourite two).....YAY and happy Saturday!
Apparent temp: 1.8 degrees
Stay in warm bed OR get up and go for my run OR stay in warm bed OR get up and go for my run.....Trust me it was a bloody hard decision to make this morning........I could see the trees blowing and swaying outside the bedroom windows and those that know me, know that running in windy conditions really doesn't do it for me! This morning it was a case of grit my teeth and get going!
The Tan was full of colour and movement.......the colours of Spring as well as the scent of Spring.....the honeysuckle and jasmine wafting........the movement was partly thanks to Mother Nature as well as the many people out doing their thing!
Despite my initial reservations about heading out for my run, the intervals were completed before I knew it (and off to get coffee with my favourite two).....YAY and happy Saturday!
Bangkok Babe
I have many readers of my blog and I was emailed from one such reader who lives and works in Bangkok. It was fanastic to hear about her running experience..thanks Steph......hope that you enjoy it too :)
Sharp putrid smells of the khlong (canals) pierce your nostrils right at the point in your run where you are gulping deeper for air. Just as that smell eases the tangy smell of the tobacco factory on the other side of the lakes’ fence hits your face and the back of your throat. .
You keep your eyes peeled to the footpath as it’s uneven, littered in dog poo and you often have to hurdle jump a rat or two as you go.
You have to be selective about the time of day that you run – before school would mean getting up at 4am. Evenings you need to leave it till after at least 5.30 for it to drop a degree or two. In the rainy season this is exactly when the storms will hit – large electrical storms with large water droplets that pierces the skin.
As soon as the rain starts the streets flood, so you are running in ankle deep puddles of water that you daren’t think about their content.
At 6.00pm the all runners and walkers have to come to a complete halt to listen to the kings’ anthem – whilst trying to keep your muscles moving ever so discretely to stop them from cramping.
Finding the right running gear that doesn’t give you a runners’ rash in the humidity and heat is tough… finding running gear that FITS in Asia with women the size of 12 year old boys is tough!
On the short patch of road that I navigate to make my way to the lake I dodge tuk tuks, motorbikes, noodle carts and give street dogs a wide birth as you can never be sure whether they’ll take a nip at your ankles.
Thais will also run/walk around the lake but generally at a pretty restricted pace as they don’t generally like to get to sweaty – so whilst it means weaving my way around them, it does give you an inflated sense of speed which is good for the runners ego.
If you’re looking for a little inspiration the next time you are struggling to get out of bed for an early training session – just be grateful that is not what you’ll face J
I love this country I really do – but some days it can be a little exhausting..
Thursday, 8 September 2011
Bleary Theory
My eyes were bleary @ 4am this morning before my 2 hour interval session before work.............that is the bleary part of my day........the theory part is about compression wear and how it helps muscles recover..................I will admit that the hot pink bedazzled calf sleeves (that I have been wearing surreptitiously under bed clothes and work clothes) appear to have done what the theory of compression says it will do............muscle soreness has been dramatically reduced! This makes for one very happy girl!
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
Tight as!
Alarm bleeped at 4am signalling that it was time to get up and get moving......after a sneaky 10 minute 'sleep in' it was off to The Tan for an interval session..........a total of 1.5hours.......thank you to the other legs that ran with me even though they didn't have to!
Slept last night wearing compression calf sleeves....quite the statement in bed best attempt at self medication in response to my self diagnosis until I can get in to see Mr Raw-Food-Melbourne-Muscular-Therapy next week. The theory is that compression wear aids recovery.
Check them out (notice the diamantes and hot pink!)
Slept last night wearing compression calf sleeves....quite the statement in bed best attempt at self medication in response to my self diagnosis until I can get in to see Mr Raw-Food-Melbourne-Muscular-Therapy next week. The theory is that compression wear aids recovery.
Check them out (notice the diamantes and hot pink!)
Sunday, 4 September 2011
Yoyo Coco
Here it is, my first ever cracking of a young Thai coconut captured on my phone.............why am I posting this on Heels and Hills I hear you ask.................well, as much as this blog is about my heels and my run sessions, I would be neglectful if I did not make reference to the foods that fuel me. I am lactose intolerant and after a brief foray into eating meat (after being a vegan/vegetarian for over 20 years) to rectify a protein issue, I find that I am once more favouring a plant based diet...........but why show the coconut cracking I hear you ask again............I am having a go at making coconut milk yoghurt - lactose free, gluten free, dairy free but the flavour will make you pop your cherry!
Coconut water - one of the main ingredients in coconut milk yoghurt is nutrionally dense.....check out these facts.............
Coconut Water is more nutritious than whole milk - Less fat and NO cholesterol!
Coconut Water has less calories than orange juice
Coconut Water is better than processed baby milk- It contains lauric acid, which is present in human mother's milk
Coconut water is naturally sterile -- water permeates though the filtering husk!
Coconut water is a universal donor-- Its identical to human blood plasma
Coconut Water is a naturaliIsotonic beverage - the same level we have in our blood.
Coconut water has saved lives in 3rd world countries thru Coconut IV
"Coconut water is the very stuff of nature, biologically pure, full of natural sugars, salts, and vitamins to ward off fatigue... and is the next wave of energy drinks BUT natural!", according to Mortin Satin, Chief of the United Nation's Food & Agriculture Organization.
Coconut water contains more potassium (at about 294 mg) than most sports drinks (117 mg) and most energy drinks.
Coconut water has less sodium (25mg) where sports drinks have around 41mg and energy drinks have about 200 mg!
Coconut water has 5mg of natural sugars where sports and energy drinks range from 10-25mg of altered sugars.
Coconut water is very high in chloride at 118mg, compared to sports drinks at about 39mg.
But will it make a difference to me? Who knows - but I am loving having a play with this space for the verdict on my homemade coconut milk yoghurt......hands up if you want to have a taste!
Coconut water - one of the main ingredients in coconut milk yoghurt is nutrionally dense.....check out these facts.............
Coconut water contains more potassium (at about 294 mg) than most sports drinks (117 mg) and most energy drinks.
Coconut water has less sodium (25mg) where sports drinks have around 41mg and energy drinks have about 200 mg!
Coconut water has 5mg of natural sugars where sports and energy drinks range from 10-25mg of altered sugars.
Coconut water is very high in chloride at 118mg, compared to sports drinks at about 39mg.
But will it make a difference to me? Who knows - but I am loving having a play with this space for the verdict on my homemade coconut milk yoghurt......hands up if you want to have a taste!
You be the judge
Morning :)
All I am going to say is: windy conditions, burning soles of feet (breaking in new runners), sore calves (self diagnosd yesterday)................and with this Runner's World Quote of the day: "Relish the bad training runs. Without them it's difficult to recognise, much less appreciate, the good ones." - Pat Teske.
I will let you be the judge of whether my training run today was one to be relished or one to be appreciated.
Most enjoyable part of the session was having 3 other pairs of legs running with me!
All I am going to say is: windy conditions, burning soles of feet (breaking in new runners), sore calves (self diagnosd yesterday)................and with this Runner's World Quote of the day: "Relish the bad training runs. Without them it's difficult to recognise, much less appreciate, the good ones." - Pat Teske.
I will let you be the judge of whether my training run today was one to be relished or one to be appreciated.
Most enjoyable part of the session was having 3 other pairs of legs running with me!
Saturday, 3 September 2011
Self Diagnosis
Runner's World mag is a wonderful source of tips and info about running and provided me with my first point of self diagnosis............
Posted online Aug 23: RUNNY NOSE? You could be suffering from exercise-induced rhinitis. A condition caused by the increased air flow; as your breathing rate increases, your nose kicks into hyperactivity. The Fix: consider taking an antihistamine.
This happens to me...and I am always quick to blame pollen..........buckets of mucus every run..........this morning I took my antihistamine and voila, almost no runny nose! Self diagnosis success!
My second self diagnosis started when I saw the following word painted on the footpath.....
Posted online Aug 23: RUNNY NOSE? You could be suffering from exercise-induced rhinitis. A condition caused by the increased air flow; as your breathing rate increases, your nose kicks into hyperactivity. The Fix: consider taking an antihistamine.
This happens to me...and I am always quick to blame pollen..........buckets of mucus every run..........this morning I took my antihistamine and voila, almost no runny nose! Self diagnosis success!
My second self diagnosis started when I saw the following word painted on the footpath.....
I truly wondered if this word was painted for me...........and me alone.......for this morning at least...........egotistical perhaps but this word spoke to 80 minute run was hard this morning...............beautiful vistas along the Capital City Trail/Yarra River didn't take away the fact that it felt hard................and then I saw the word SLOW painted in front of me. Slow summed up how I was feeling and how I perceived I was running. Pain and discomfort (in my calves and feet) that I had previously sought muscular therapies for, hounded me again today and I got to thinking that perhaps it was time once more to have me some more muscle maintenance. Today's niggles meant that I wasn't running at the pace prescribed for me in my program. I thought about the heels that I have been wearing this week, the angles that my feet have been subjected to and the stretches that I haven't been doing and I self diagnosed that I was heading into injury territory.
I am thankful that I had 80 minutes to think about me (because I don't do anywhere near enough thinking about myself!) and remind myself that my goal is to run the Melbourne Marathon injury free this year (PS it is 5 weeks away tomorrow).
And as it turns out my average pace for today's run was NOWHERE as slow as I thought it was!
The other thing I thought about during my run was that perhaps I need to hunt down some more stylish flats or mules to help take the pressure off my pins more often. Then I got to thinking about the phrase "high rise flats" and pondered considerably about how absurd that phrase thoughts trailed off into thinking how fantastic it would be if I had a pair of flats that I could make into heels on a whim (aka high rise flats!)..........
Enough already!
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Awesome August
After a tough interval session this morning....tough because I wasn't really in the mood to do it...........I calculated the number of kms run during the month of August........221.49! Out of the 31 days in August, 24 days were running days! The remaining days weren't necessarily sleep-ins! A couple were planned rest days and the others were days lost in transit................these totals are just the lift I needed!
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
Stopped in my tracks
Haile Gebrselassie's says his No.1 training advice for marathon runners is, "Discipline. Not only in training, but resting and eating." This quote stopped me in my tracks when I was hunting down something savoury to eat.......I wasn't hungry, wasn't thirsty, just (dare I say it?)........bored! Perhaps I was work avoiding.............whatever it was, when I read this quote, I quite literally stopped hunting down foodless food (something Mr Raw Muscular Therapy bangs about) and grabbed the shiny read pink lady apple to eat!
What stops you in your tracks?
What stops you in your tracks?
Sunday, 28 August 2011
Repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat
That is what this morning's session was about.........hill made me think of what the aerobics instructor from years gone by would say in step classes " repeater knee" one would move up on the step and lift the knee high and do something tricky-dicky with the hands and then do the same action on the other leg/knee!! Does anyone else remember that being called out in step class?
The only 'repeater knee' action I was doing was lifting one knee up and in front of me as I climbed small inclines, long inclines and steep inclines to complete a 70 minute session. Gorgeous Melbourne morning, hands didn't thaw until about 30 minutes of running but the skies were clear and everyone around me looked happy. Made me think about how easy it is to talk yourself into OR out of something...........I didn't feel like getting up for the run and it was getting crowded in my head with all of the reasons, or shall I say excuses, being thrown around up there as to why I should just stay at home.........none of them overly convincing and knowing that it is getting closer to the marathon, missing training sessions is not an option, so I got my groove on. I recall looking at my watch during the warm up and thinking to myself, "Sheesh I still have 65 minutes to go"..........I started the internal discussion with myself about what my goals are and why I was out running rather than lounging around in bed, yada thing I knew I had knocked off 25 minutes............then I focussed on the placement of my foot as well as changing pace as I ran the inclines.......I mixed it up, changed direction, told myself 'You can do this" and bugger me, I only had 10 minutes left!
Hope that your day has been one of fabulousness x
The only 'repeater knee' action I was doing was lifting one knee up and in front of me as I climbed small inclines, long inclines and steep inclines to complete a 70 minute session. Gorgeous Melbourne morning, hands didn't thaw until about 30 minutes of running but the skies were clear and everyone around me looked happy. Made me think about how easy it is to talk yourself into OR out of something...........I didn't feel like getting up for the run and it was getting crowded in my head with all of the reasons, or shall I say excuses, being thrown around up there as to why I should just stay at home.........none of them overly convincing and knowing that it is getting closer to the marathon, missing training sessions is not an option, so I got my groove on. I recall looking at my watch during the warm up and thinking to myself, "Sheesh I still have 65 minutes to go"..........I started the internal discussion with myself about what my goals are and why I was out running rather than lounging around in bed, yada thing I knew I had knocked off 25 minutes............then I focussed on the placement of my foot as well as changing pace as I ran the inclines.......I mixed it up, changed direction, told myself 'You can do this" and bugger me, I only had 10 minutes left!
Hope that your day has been one of fabulousness x
Saturday, 27 August 2011
Break in
Another run session, another new pair of running shoes to break in! A loooonnnnnnggggggg interval session - almost 15kms - in a new pair of runners = burning feet soles.............. So I could say that I was on fire but not in the way I like to be! Need less to say I enjoyed the brisk walks between the running sets to allow my feet to have some respite from the burn on the bottom of my feet.....the burn happens to me when I am breaking in new runners................does anyone else experience this?
Thursday, 25 August 2011
I'll huff and I'll puff........
and I am not sure that I had anything left in me to blow any house down during my hill session this morning. Doing sessions like this morning's makes me feel happy that I don't smoke! It was a sweaty run doing hill repeats.........................and I had tender calves as a result of running yesterday in the Vibrams.......apparently because I was using 'new'/different I wore a low pair of heels (instead of higher ones) to be more comfortable strutting around at work.................aahh what we girls do in the name of fashion!
PS the story behind these fab red shoes is that when I was principal of a school in Collie, I headed downtown to pick up some cartridges for my office printer.........there was no parking outside the shop that sold the cartridges so I parked around the front of the shoe shop.........I figured this was a sign that there were shoes that wanted to live with me.............I was correct......................this pair, a pair of red slingbacks and a pair of long black leather boots with a small heel and buckles! I did get to the cartridge shop just in case you wondered!
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
Maiden Voyage
Ok, so I am not referring to a ship or anything remotely I took my new Vibram Five Fingers running shoes out on their first is a look at them................
They don't have the cushioning and padding that regular runners have. They are about 1mm thick on the bottom and the top is made of wetsuit type material........the theory is that running barefoot strengthens feet and calves and allows you to run more freely and further with less injuries because land on your forefoot, directly below your centre of gravity, resulting in optimum balance, increased stability, less impact and greater propulsion........blah, blah, blah.............heavy on theory (for me) and I was keen to try them out.........this morning I had a 75 minute interval session and ran on soft surface track (compacted granite)...........surprisingly, it was a comfortable run! I really thought I would feel every stone or stick under my foot, but I didn't...........neither did I feel some of the usual twinges in my legs, which was great.........I caught myself having a giggle whenever I looked at my feet......keen to see if my technique changes by wearing!
They don't have the cushioning and padding that regular runners have. They are about 1mm thick on the bottom and the top is made of wetsuit type material........the theory is that running barefoot strengthens feet and calves and allows you to run more freely and further with less injuries because land on your forefoot, directly below your centre of gravity, resulting in optimum balance, increased stability, less impact and greater propulsion........blah, blah, blah.............heavy on theory (for me) and I was keen to try them out.........this morning I had a 75 minute interval session and ran on soft surface track (compacted granite)...........surprisingly, it was a comfortable run! I really thought I would feel every stone or stick under my foot, but I didn't...........neither did I feel some of the usual twinges in my legs, which was great.........I caught myself having a giggle whenever I looked at my feet......keen to see if my technique changes by wearing!
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
Time traveller
OK..................will concede that I am probably suffering from slight jetlag and had another restless night's sleep so I am trying really hard to not beat myself up about missing my run session this morning..........ever hopeful that I will feel on fire later today and wonder if I could do the 80 minute run after work.
Monday, 22 August 2011
Hit the ground running
Back in Melbourne after a fantastic holiday in The States........less than 24 hours on the ground, I was out doing an interval session at 5am this morning.....with my committed running partners! This is a heavy week of running, so fingers crossed that jetlag doesn't hang around too long!
PS..........In my hours of wakefulness last night I recalled some of the holiday sights I neglected to share.......out running at 6am on the last morning in Santa Monica, some dude was walking ahead of us smoking his joint..........the wheelchair bound homeless man with kermit green prosthetic legs wildly racing (himself)back and forth along the pavement in Santa Monica and the incapacitated granny sitting in a wheelchair spinning in circles on a decline while her Hispanic carer (hired help??) turned her back to order just can't good help these days!
PS..........In my hours of wakefulness last night I recalled some of the holiday sights I neglected to share.......out running at 6am on the last morning in Santa Monica, some dude was walking ahead of us smoking his joint..........the wheelchair bound homeless man with kermit green prosthetic legs wildly racing (himself)back and forth along the pavement in Santa Monica and the incapacitated granny sitting in a wheelchair spinning in circles on a decline while her Hispanic carer (hired help??) turned her back to order just can't good help these days!
Saturday, 20 August 2011
Final hurrah
Last run before getting on the plane doubt many kms will be walked between now and our shuttle ride to LAX. Cool, cloudy morning.....ran past many outdoor training sessions. Has been a great holiday and a pleasure discovering new cities on foot. Will definitely be a cold and dark return to running before work come Monday........just over 7 weeks until the Melbourne this space x
Friday, 19 August 2011
PS to Hammer Time or these feet were meant for walking
Who did I think I was kidding.......wearing sandals would = less walking and in a strange way some recovery time for my legs. Another 10kms travelled.......headed into downtown LA a strangely quiet and soul-less city to check out the spectacular Walt Disney Concert Hall, a gleaming and curved silver landmark. A little further down the road was MOCA with a small, actually very small- but still impressive- Andy Warhol exhibit.
We decided to head back to Santa Monica and hunt down some Vibram 5Finger Toe Running will have seen them I am sure...they don't look dissimilar to the photo of my feet in Injinji socks that I posted a little while ago...apparently wearing them is like running barefoot, which has many benefits such as allowing the foot to move freely and building strength in the foot and lower legs......they are certainly not a fashion statement, rather a new aspect of my running program. They are blue and will enhance my blue eyes!
We decided to walk back along the beach front, from Venice and Muscle Beach, all of which was alive and kicking.......I thought it was an urban myth that the boys pump iron on the beach but I can confirm that it really happens......overly tanned and with bulging muscles, the boys were primping, pumping and posing for anyone who snuck a look! One guy was spruiking that he would work for a bag of weed, another rode by with a massive blue macaw on the handlebars. It was sensory oveerload.......whichever way you looked.
I have spied my next pair of runners........I was set on the pink Asics but I am drawn to the green ones........back to the shops tomorrow to buy them!
We decided to head back to Santa Monica and hunt down some Vibram 5Finger Toe Running will have seen them I am sure...they don't look dissimilar to the photo of my feet in Injinji socks that I posted a little while ago...apparently wearing them is like running barefoot, which has many benefits such as allowing the foot to move freely and building strength in the foot and lower legs......they are certainly not a fashion statement, rather a new aspect of my running program. They are blue and will enhance my blue eyes!
We decided to walk back along the beach front, from Venice and Muscle Beach, all of which was alive and kicking.......I thought it was an urban myth that the boys pump iron on the beach but I can confirm that it really happens......overly tanned and with bulging muscles, the boys were primping, pumping and posing for anyone who snuck a look! One guy was spruiking that he would work for a bag of weed, another rode by with a massive blue macaw on the handlebars. It was sensory oveerload.......whichever way you looked.
I have spied my next pair of runners........I was set on the pink Asics but I am drawn to the green ones........back to the shops tomorrow to buy them!
Hammer time
Legs felt heavy this morning and it was indeed a very slow run........along the beach in Santa Monica.......when we got back to the hotel I tallied the number of kms that have been run in less than a week.......68! On top of that are the many many kms that have been walked each day as well as we discover the no wonder the legs are heavy and that I feel hammered.......plan on wearing sandals out today........guaranteeing that less kms will be covered...........hammered but happy!
Thursday, 18 August 2011
The wheels on the bus go round and round
What a day!
The interval session (12km) got us to Venice Beach and back to Santa Monica. Once again it is an honor to watch the world wake up and get moving........there was the usual community of early birds blading, running or walking. No muscles were on display at Muscle Beach (too early) and I was keeping my eyes peeled for David Duchovny or even the slightest sniff of Californication.......there was an edgy vibe about Venice Beach so it was just as well it was turn around time!
Today was Hollywood day.....we jumped on PT and headed away from the beach into tourist town......nuts is the best way to describe it. Took the big red bus tour, starting and finishing at Sunset Blvd and taking in Sunset Strip, Beverley Hills, Rodeo Drive, Paramount Studios and the famous Chinese Theatre. Damn hot sitting in the sun on the top deck so we moved downstairs to escape the blazing sun and heat. We jumped off once to have a look around, and no it wasn't the Rodeo Drive stop........I knew how hot and flustered I looked and I knew there was no way that I would have been allowed into any of designer shops......huge crowd was gathered and that meant only one thing....a celebrity was Mario Lopez, celebrity entertainment reporter was interviewing someone unknown to us......possibly a basketball player based on how some of the kids were screaming out at him! Tour done and we
stopped for a champagne and were offered tickets to be part of the live audience for a sit
com, The Exes, with Newman from Seinfeld, some dude from Scrubs.......of course I gasped and grabbed the tickets.......we had almost an hour and a half to get to the studio, so took the
train only one stop away to Universal City, I repeat, one stop away from Hollywood and followed the instructions to a tee about how to get to the studio.......we jumped onto the bus and off we went........mmmmmm something was not right........30 minutes later and no sign of the studio......our attention was diverted a tad by one of the passengers who was providing some laughs and trying to share his popcorn...eventually I walk to the front of the bus and ask the driver........he says " Radford St, as in R-a-d-f-o-r-d". I nod. " Radford is back about 4 miles" I sigh. We jumped off the bus, tore across the street and waited for a bus to take us back to where we started......unfortunately we missed the start of the taping........all in all we were on the bus for almost 2 hours.........the wheels of the bus go round and round........
Back in Hollywood we decided to call it a day and head back to our hotel.......another bus cabs around.......once again, unique souls were on the trip and provided a break
from the monotony of the hour trip.......the retired pirate provided some crooked opinions about anything and everything whilst the drama-queen grump gave an Oscar winning performance about being bumped into on the crowded bus.......the wheels on the bus go round and round..........
What a fabulous day!
The interval session (12km) got us to Venice Beach and back to Santa Monica. Once again it is an honor to watch the world wake up and get moving........there was the usual community of early birds blading, running or walking. No muscles were on display at Muscle Beach (too early) and I was keeping my eyes peeled for David Duchovny or even the slightest sniff of Californication.......there was an edgy vibe about Venice Beach so it was just as well it was turn around time!
Today was Hollywood day.....we jumped on PT and headed away from the beach into tourist town......nuts is the best way to describe it. Took the big red bus tour, starting and finishing at Sunset Blvd and taking in Sunset Strip, Beverley Hills, Rodeo Drive, Paramount Studios and the famous Chinese Theatre. Damn hot sitting in the sun on the top deck so we moved downstairs to escape the blazing sun and heat. We jumped off once to have a look around, and no it wasn't the Rodeo Drive stop........I knew how hot and flustered I looked and I knew there was no way that I would have been allowed into any of designer shops......huge crowd was gathered and that meant only one thing....a celebrity was Mario Lopez, celebrity entertainment reporter was interviewing someone unknown to us......possibly a basketball player based on how some of the kids were screaming out at him! Tour done and we
stopped for a champagne and were offered tickets to be part of the live audience for a sit
com, The Exes, with Newman from Seinfeld, some dude from Scrubs.......of course I gasped and grabbed the tickets.......we had almost an hour and a half to get to the studio, so took the
train only one stop away to Universal City, I repeat, one stop away from Hollywood and followed the instructions to a tee about how to get to the studio.......we jumped onto the bus and off we went........mmmmmm something was not right........30 minutes later and no sign of the studio......our attention was diverted a tad by one of the passengers who was providing some laughs and trying to share his popcorn...eventually I walk to the front of the bus and ask the driver........he says " Radford St, as in R-a-d-f-o-r-d". I nod. " Radford is back about 4 miles" I sigh. We jumped off the bus, tore across the street and waited for a bus to take us back to where we started......unfortunately we missed the start of the taping........all in all we were on the bus for almost 2 hours.........the wheels of the bus go round and round........
Back in Hollywood we decided to call it a day and head back to our hotel.......another bus cabs around.......once again, unique souls were on the trip and provided a break
from the monotony of the hour trip.......the retired pirate provided some crooked opinions about anything and everything whilst the drama-queen grump gave an Oscar winning performance about being bumped into on the crowded bus.......the wheels on the bus go round and round..........
What a fabulous day!
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
Anything Goes
Early flight out of JFK airport to LA leaving behind wet weather and welcoming sunny rays. No run this morning because of the transit and I have to say I was looking forward to slipping off my funky pink Diesel trainers that have walked many miles this trip to the Big Apple and sliding on sandals to get into the beachy feel of Santa Monica........however my toenails have taken on a carrot coloured stain from walking in drenched said trainers the other day in looks like a case of tragic self tanning! My desire to have my tootsies free won out and I put up with my new foot look..........after a tempeh wrap at The Veggie Grill we headed down to the beach front to check out the famed Santa Monica Pier......rides, foods, sideshow stalls, swimmers, fishermen, families, mystics, sculptors.....a wander back through Third Street Promenade with every high end shop possible, I got very excited to stumble (not literally) onto the set for Private Practice.......I would have given my right arm-or in the very least my orange feet-the chance to be an extra on appears they cast the extras days ago......shame...their loss!
Frivolity aside, the homeless and mental health issues are confronting. DC and NY both have these issues but today's amble through the streets of Santa Monica seemed to magnify the issues. The USA doesnt have a welfare state like we are familiar with in Australia and the result is that they don't have the right to welfare.........other than short term........
Tomorrow's run is an intervals session out along the beach front....can't wait
Frivolity aside, the homeless and mental health issues are confronting. DC and NY both have these issues but today's amble through the streets of Santa Monica seemed to magnify the issues. The USA doesnt have a welfare state like we are familiar with in Australia and the result is that they don't have the right to welfare.........other than short term........
Tomorrow's run is an intervals session out along the beach front....can't wait
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
I heart NY
Beautiful morning for long run in New York.......straight up 5th Ave past the Empire State Building, Rockefella Centre, Trump Tower, too early for breakfast @ Tiffany's, the Guggenheim Museum to the top of Central Park. We headed back through Central Park up and down inclines, through wooded areas, over bridges, around lakes and past the zoo, knocking out 90 minutes of running. Having a rest day from running certainly gave some freshness to the legs. The city was abuzz early with the start of a work week....the heartbeat is one of the reasons I love this really is the city that never sleeps.
A highlight of today was heading over to Queens to see 5 Pointz-not a museum or gallery, 5 Pointz is a living collage of graffiti art covering a converted warehouse full of artist studios. The art of famous and novice graffiti artists covers the building's facade, all done with the encouragement of the building's owner. It's a well-known sight from the elevated 7 subway, which runs behind 5 Pointz.
Enjoyed a glass of champagne at Union Square, perched on bar stools overlooking the passing parade.......people watching with all it's colour and movement is the best! Hang on, almost forgot that we had pizza!
Is the last night in NY tonight......heading to LA early in the sights, new
smells, new running tracks!
A highlight of today was heading over to Queens to see 5 Pointz-not a museum or gallery, 5 Pointz is a living collage of graffiti art covering a converted warehouse full of artist studios. The art of famous and novice graffiti artists covers the building's facade, all done with the encouragement of the building's owner. It's a well-known sight from the elevated 7 subway, which runs behind 5 Pointz.
Enjoyed a glass of champagne at Union Square, perched on bar stools overlooking the passing parade.......people watching with all it's colour and movement is the best! Hang on, almost forgot that we had pizza!
Is the last night in NY tonight......heading to LA early in the sights, new
smells, new running tracks!
Monday, 15 August 2011
Raining on my parade
Ater the mammoth efforts of pounding the paths for the last 2 days in NY, clocking up almost 30 kms each day (between morning runs and sightseeing/shopping), today we took advantage of the wet wet day and made today a rest day-in more ways than one........1. no run so that our legs had some recovery time (ready for the long run tomorrow), 2. a sleep in and 3. we made use of the subway to cover more distance for the day's activities........still managed to stride out about 8 kms in-between subway stops......
First stop was Grand Central Station with a stunningly beautiful domed (and lit) roof painted with the signs of the zodiac.....never mind that they are depicted backwards. From there we headed into the Village to buy cupcakes from Magnolia Bakery (Sex and the City fans will know this landmark).......I was mesmerized by the artistic skills of the cupcake decorator working her magic applying lavender colored buttercream to cakes. The sweet smell of the bakery was enticing as was the kitsch look.......we walked away with 2 chocolate cupcakes slathered with rich buttercream and sprinkles AND a huge slice of coconut cake topped with fluffy marshmallow meringue! Subway to Brooklyn and then a walk back over to Manhattan............We took in a ferry ride to Staten Island, past the mighty Statue of Liberty (cue music for 'put your hands up in the air') and once that jaunt was over we jumped onto the subway to Soho and headed out of the rain into shops.......
New York is wonderful wet or dry!
Night for now :)
First stop was Grand Central Station with a stunningly beautiful domed (and lit) roof painted with the signs of the zodiac.....never mind that they are depicted backwards. From there we headed into the Village to buy cupcakes from Magnolia Bakery (Sex and the City fans will know this landmark).......I was mesmerized by the artistic skills of the cupcake decorator working her magic applying lavender colored buttercream to cakes. The sweet smell of the bakery was enticing as was the kitsch look.......we walked away with 2 chocolate cupcakes slathered with rich buttercream and sprinkles AND a huge slice of coconut cake topped with fluffy marshmallow meringue! Subway to Brooklyn and then a walk back over to Manhattan............We took in a ferry ride to Staten Island, past the mighty Statue of Liberty (cue music for 'put your hands up in the air') and once that jaunt was over we jumped onto the subway to Soho and headed out of the rain into shops.......
New York is wonderful wet or dry!
Night for now :)
Sunday, 14 August 2011
Wow the scheduled 50 minute run ended up much longer as we took in the former World Trade Centre site, historic Battery Park and the financial district. We stumbled onto a summer event where the street from near the Brooklyn Bridge to Central Park is closed to vehicle traffic and opened up to (as the police officer explained to me), "people like you who run and ride". Amazing sight to see hundreds of people on rollerblades, runners, cyclists, people on scooters and walkers using a major road to get their exercise. There was even a whole foods street picnic complete with tables, chairs, beach umbrellas and fake turf!
11.7 kms later the run was done. We headed out to meet a friend for brunch at Bread, a fantastic cafe in Soho and clocked up another 14km of walking........and 3 pairs of shoes soon!
Angelica Kitchen hosted us for dinner tonight........I ate here on my last time in New York and tonight's dinner was just as fantastic.........a shared meal of 3 bean chilli, with jalapeño salsa, vegetable kofta balls on brown rice, with side of steamed veg........
Total number of kms covered today: 29.7!!!!
11.7 kms later the run was done. We headed out to meet a friend for brunch at Bread, a fantastic cafe in Soho and clocked up another 14km of walking........and 3 pairs of shoes soon!
Angelica Kitchen hosted us for dinner tonight........I ate here on my last time in New York and tonight's dinner was just as fantastic.........a shared meal of 3 bean chilli, with jalapeño salsa, vegetable kofta balls on brown rice, with side of steamed veg........
Total number of kms covered today: 29.7!!!!
Saturday, 13 August 2011
Runner's Digest
I know this blog is about my shoes and my running but I am excited about the foods that we have found to eat......vegan, organic and fresh.
In Washington, Cafe Green had the most delicious mung bean pancakes accompanied by sweet sesame soy dressing......mmmmmmm.
We called into the Wholefood Market after dinner to buy fresh fruit. Trawling the aisles was a sensational experience-shelves packed high with everything vegan/raw/gluten free and everything in between. Today on the way to NYC we ate Brad's raw chips (red bell pepper)-made from carrots, red bell peppers, flax seeds, sprouted buckwheat groats, scallions, olive oil, garlic, Himalayan sea salt and lots of love, they are dehydrated below 46 degrees, not fried or baked and retain active enzymes and nutrients which aid digestion. Essentially we were like human vacuum cleaners and couldn't get the chips in quickly enough! Check them out at
After checking into our NYC hotel we took to the streets and checked out the Flatiron building, Union Square, wandered into Greenwich Village and then grabbed a scrummy sandwich from Space Deli, an organic eatery and sat in leafy green Washington Square Park.....was packed with young funky people.....although there was a lady out walking her 2 cockateels.....true. We headed from there to The Highline, in the meatpacking district, an amazing win for nature in the biggest highrise jungle that is New
Dinner tonight.......not sure yet what will be on the menu but I will keep you posted
Happy eating!
In Washington, Cafe Green had the most delicious mung bean pancakes accompanied by sweet sesame soy dressing......mmmmmmm.
We called into the Wholefood Market after dinner to buy fresh fruit. Trawling the aisles was a sensational experience-shelves packed high with everything vegan/raw/gluten free and everything in between. Today on the way to NYC we ate Brad's raw chips (red bell pepper)-made from carrots, red bell peppers, flax seeds, sprouted buckwheat groats, scallions, olive oil, garlic, Himalayan sea salt and lots of love, they are dehydrated below 46 degrees, not fried or baked and retain active enzymes and nutrients which aid digestion. Essentially we were like human vacuum cleaners and couldn't get the chips in quickly enough! Check them out at
After checking into our NYC hotel we took to the streets and checked out the Flatiron building, Union Square, wandered into Greenwich Village and then grabbed a scrummy sandwich from Space Deli, an organic eatery and sat in leafy green Washington Square Park.....was packed with young funky people.....although there was a lady out walking her 2 cockateels.....true. We headed from there to The Highline, in the meatpacking district, an amazing win for nature in the biggest highrise jungle that is New
Dinner tonight.......not sure yet what will be on the menu but I will keep you posted
Happy eating!
Friday, 12 August 2011
Independence Day
I take it on good authority that the monuments around Washington aren't really blown up in the movies Independence Day or Mars Attacks. Mighty and magnificent the buildings stand tall against the clear blue sky. This morning's interval session allowed me to once more marvel at how BIG everything seems to be here in The States! Heading out from the hotel before day break and a balmy 22 degrees we gave a wave towards The White House, ran past the Washington Monument, down the Mall, up behind Capitol Hill and an assortment of congress buildings and then continued on the way back to the hotel.
Big badonkadonks, big voices, big flags, big serves, big strawberries, big manners (ma'am), big this big that but little squirrels.
Big badonkadonks, big voices, big flags, big serves, big strawberries, big manners (ma'am), big this big that but little squirrels.
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Run DnC
Good morning Obama. Good morning Lincoln. Top of the day to you Roosevelt. Howdy Jefferson. This morning's run through Washington took in The National Mall past museums and galleries, war memorials and monuments to past presidents. I showcased my squirrel whisperer skills coaxing one to within an arm's reach.
Running 11kms was hard work, after my delayed and missed flights I managed 6 hours of sleep, combined with the humidity and a warm 22 at 6am but it was a sensational way to kickstart the day. Incredible numbers of runners out and about!
Off for a shower and will head out to see what is on offer but at a much slower pace!
Have a super day
Running 11kms was hard work, after my delayed and missed flights I managed 6 hours of sleep, combined with the humidity and a warm 22 at 6am but it was a sensational way to kickstart the day. Incredible numbers of runners out and about!
Off for a shower and will head out to see what is on offer but at a much slower pace!
Have a super day
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
Lead Foot
Felt like I had cement shoes on today and I ignored the little minx on my left shoulder that tried to talk me into staying in bed, pulled on my warm running gear and headed into The Tan to do some run throughs followed by a 50 minute run. The minx sat on my shoulder with her feet dangling over my collarbone and pulled on my ear lobe, trying to convince me that we should go home! However I am proud to say that regardless of feeling like I had heavy feet, I resisted temptation and kept at it.
Leanne 1 Little Minx 0
Sunday, 7 August 2011
Simple Pleasures
Out on my long (easy) run along the bay this morning it was just sublime to watch the world wake up. The easy pace let me take stock of what was around me and let me smell the roses :) The simple pleasures experienced today....................talking to my beloved (who is over the other side of the world) when I woke up, the glassy sheen on Port Phillip Bay, the Indian Myna birds being very busy and important, the seagulls making their presence known, the early morning runners greeting me good morning, the walkers pacing along, the pooches loving life, the smell of freshly baked panini, muffins and ciabatta at the cafe near Port Melbourne Life Saving Club, the oldies holding hands, the smear of cloud above the city that changed from grey to cream when the sun rays hit it, the cyclists travelling solo, in twos and in groups, dads pushing prams, the fishermen setting up for the morning, the creaminess of my soy cofee and to top it all off, the leaps and bounds of the pooch so happy to see me when I got home!
may you get the chance to smell the roses today.
may you get the chance to smell the roses today.
Saturday, 6 August 2011
Figure Fixers!
This is a spread "The Best Shoe for You" in the latest NW mag that I stumbled (no pun intended) upon. When I read it I had to LOL.................the best shoes for you are the shoes you choose to wear!
Fancy suggesting that Keira Knightley's sporty calves need to be disguised. Did you see her running around in "Bend it like Beckham"? Great legs! Luckily I know where my calves finish and my ankles start, so I don't need to figure out how to hide cankles like Katie Holmes. Unfortunately I will never know the blessing of long lean legs bestowed on the likes of Whitney Port but strappy shoes absolutely suit my short strong legs. No drumstick legs like Mischa Barton's live in my house (and I would like to dispute the line that Mischa has lean calves - she has NO calves).
Don't get me wrong, the fashion advice makes sense and I have taken note of some of the rocking shoes and will google stockists - some of them are HOT, HOT, HOT but whatever I want to wear on my feet I do, regardless of my height/shape/eye colour/whether I have knobbly knees or my reckoning, all shoes look fab on my tootsies!
Thursday, 4 August 2011
Doggone it!
This morning's run was NOT what my furry (some say hairy) 4 legged running buddy wanted to participate in. She dragged her feet, then surged when she thought she saw a cyclist that she knew (go KW), then dragged her feet, then surged again. I am sure that her fur coat was not the best running attire given that it was an unseasonally balmy 12 degrees at 4.45am.I swear that I could hear her saying (high pitched gravelly voice) "This is not my run day biatch - it is my rest day on my program. And besides, I have sore pads from doing nutsy runs in the front yard."
So after 2 laps of The Tan, I led her to the car to cool off and finished my final lap. Not my best run session but I can check it off this week's training. As I type this, the pooch is giving me evils - I think she knows that I have written about her!
Have a great day!
So after 2 laps of The Tan, I led her to the car to cool off and finished my final lap. Not my best run session but I can check it off this week's training. As I type this, the pooch is giving me evils - I think she knows that I have written about her!
Have a great day!
Sunday, 31 July 2011
Hee hee....................... got your attention! This morning's long run is to build endurance in my legs so we went off to Brighton and I ran towards Port Melbourne because I figured I would rather run into the head wind for the first half of the run and have the wind behind me after I turned around. We were out running later than normal (that is, the sun was up and shining!) and the pedestrian traffic was almost gridlocked. Running into the head wind was almost like running on an incline the entire way, so in my mind I am figuring that it was almost a second hills session! Legs were tired from the run session yesterday but I am happy to say that although the wind did my head in (head job!), I ran for 90minutes and I looked forward to my soy coffee. Now for the rest of my day's plans.
What plans do you have for today?
What plans do you have for today?
Saturday, 30 July 2011
So inclined
This morning the hills were alive with my huffing and puffing up hills and down dale! I haven't run hills for about 2 months and today felt like I was pummeled...............thank goodness it was only a short session! It was my first hill session of many more to come.
Running hills is hard work because it requires that you recruit more muscles fibres to get you up the incline meaning that you fatigue the muscles more the end you get stronger...........which is what matters to me!
Looking forward to my flat long run in the morning.
Running hills is hard work because it requires that you recruit more muscles fibres to get you up the incline meaning that you fatigue the muscles more the end you get stronger...........which is what matters to me!
Looking forward to my flat long run in the morning.
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
Save my Sole
This morning's pre work run was an intervals sessions and it was a great session......a warm up, followed by 10 x 2 minute builds to marathon pace, 1 minute walk float in between, 5 minute jog, then 10 x 1minute builds to marathon pace and a warm down. Just over 10kms covered. Not being stressed by work and having sensational unbroken slumber the last few nights all worked in my favour this morning! This is what I want to feel like every run session!
I was feeling fabulous after my run and wanted to add a bit more sass to my day by wearing a new pair of shoes (see Beatrix shoe below) but because my feet were suffering a little from running, I had to save my sole and wear an equally nice pair of shoes, albeit not new, with a lower pitch/slope which in turn is less painful for the arch and the ball of the this space for when I debut my Beatrix heels................................. soon :)
I was feeling fabulous after my run and wanted to add a bit more sass to my day by wearing a new pair of shoes (see Beatrix shoe below) but because my feet were suffering a little from running, I had to save my sole and wear an equally nice pair of shoes, albeit not new, with a lower pitch/slope which in turn is less painful for the arch and the ball of the this space for when I debut my Beatrix heels................................. soon :)
Sunday, 24 July 2011
Drowned Rat
Sunday's 70 minutes easy run aorund the Yarra in icy rain............I don't look happy but I was just cold and dripping wet!
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