This morning's pre work run was an intervals sessions and it was a great session......a warm up, followed by 10 x 2 minute builds to marathon pace, 1 minute walk float in between, 5 minute jog, then 10 x 1minute builds to marathon pace and a warm down. Just over 10kms covered. Not being stressed by work and having sensational unbroken slumber the last few nights all worked in my favour this morning! This is what I want to feel like every run session!
I was feeling fabulous after my run and wanted to add a bit more sass to my day by wearing a new pair of shoes (see Beatrix shoe below) but because my feet were suffering a little from running, I had to save my sole and wear an equally nice pair of shoes, albeit not new, with a lower pitch/slope which in turn is less painful for the arch and the ball of the this space for when I debut my Beatrix heels................................. soon :)
Love those shoes. Love them.