This morning's run was NOT what my furry (some say hairy) 4 legged running buddy wanted to participate in. She dragged her feet, then surged when she thought she saw a cyclist that she knew (go KW), then dragged her feet, then surged again. I am sure that her fur coat was not the best running attire given that it was an unseasonally balmy 12 degrees at 4.45am.I swear that I could hear her saying (high pitched gravelly voice) "This is not my run day biatch - it is my rest day on my program. And besides, I have sore pads from doing nutsy runs in the front yard."
So after 2 laps of The Tan, I led her to the car to cool off and finished my final lap. Not my best run session but I can check it off this week's training. As I type this, the pooch is giving me evils - I think she knows that I have written about her!
Have a great day!
She knows rest and recovery are as important as training.