Heels and Hills........what's it all about?

Sandals, kitten heels, pumps, stilettos, wedges, platforms, mules, Mary-Janes, boots...........I am a lover and consumer of all things shoes. However I have had to make way in my collection for runners in my quest for endurance running......this is my story.

Thursday 5 July 2012

Would you like some whine with your gratitude?

This morning I was once again made acutely aware of EGO!

The long run from South Melbourne into and around the river and The Tan and back to South Melbourne was shadowed by this shoulder hurting and that elbow hurting, this wrist hurting and did I mention that my quad was hurting? Oh and there were aches and tired legs and my running partner who wanted to go back to sleep. Did I mention that the most I probably contributed to the run this morning was whine after whine after whine (apparently I have whined more on other mornings...............who me? Surely you are mistaken)............................we arrived back at the car which was parked directly outside yoga, did away with the runners, grabbed a sweat towel and headed indoors to the heated studio.....................the divine yoga teacher Masha guided us through the practice and spoke about non-violence in reference to self........................mmmm this had my attention....................she explained that as our own harshest critics we often are hard on ourselves for things that we think we cannot do..........................mmmmmmmmmmmmm.........................sounds like the stories I have running 24/7 in my head about myself. She went on to say that instead of thinking about whatever aches and pains you may have, be grateful instead......there are plenty of people who don't have shoulders like me so be grateful that I have shoulders! Be grateful that I have legs that can run, be grateful that I can move and see and smell and and and and!
So I wobbled, stretched and moved my body through the class today, listened to my limbs, pushed where I could, pulled back when I needed to, grateful that I have a body that can feel.

PS Tues and Wed run sessions completed too!

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